Ars longa, vita brevis.

Art is long, life is short.

Indiana born and raised, Patrick has been studying ceramics since he was 15-years-old however it wasn’t until 2020 that he finally decided to take the plunge and pursue his dream of being a professional Ceramicist. As all things naturally transpire, P Thompson Ceramics was created as a means for Patrick to support his family after 2020 became the year of big life changes - raising a new baby girl, losing a full-time job, and overall just facing life mid-pandemic. Although this business venture was born as a means of income, it quickly became a chance for a change of pace. After many nights of long conversations with his wife Victoria, a business plan was written, designs were sketched, and with the focus of simplifying life and prioritizing intent over repetition, P Thompson Ceramics was launched.

Patrick and Victoria currently live in Columbus, Ohio along with their 4-year-old daughter. Patrick’s 17-year-old daughter recently moved to the East coast where he bugs her regularly with texted dad jokes. Needless to say, his days require lots of coffee.